Thursday, May 28, 2015

Group Ballroom Dance Classes for June

Don't miss the June group classes. Come on, admit it... it's one of the most fun things you can do with your precious time :)

We've got both Waltz and Rumba in June, open to dancers of every skill level. Newcomers are welcome in both. You can come with a partner or on your own. Both couples and singles are welcome and there is always a mix of both, so don't be shy! Come on out. You'll be glad you did!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Black and White Ball

We've got an elegant afternoon planned at Ballroom City.

YOU are cordially invited to a celebration - in black and white!

It's our first Sunday tea dance in years! We're excited to be bringing back this tradition. There is something about a Sunday afternoon dance that is very special.

Get ready to spend a lovely afternoon filled with dancing, friends, a delicious full buffet & ice cream bar and wonderful prizes.

Wear black and/or white. Gentlemen, ties are optional. The dress code is festive, but not formal.

Delicious full buffet meal.
Ice cream sundae bar.
Prizes and drawings.
$25.00 per person, all-inclusive.
Or you can make your reservation at Ballroom City or by contacting Just Dance Studios.
Doors open at 2:00 pm.
Buffet served at 3:00 pm.
Ballroom & Latin dancing from 2:00 to 6:00 pm
Limited seating. Reservations are required and must be in by Sunday, May 24.

Click here to e-mail us your reservation.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Congratulations to Deb and Joe!

Friday, May 8, 2015

Gentlemen... Get Your Just Dance Gear

Sandia got an exceptional deal on some really nice men's shirts with the Just Dance logo. 
They're polo style/golf shirts, 3 buttons in front and a collar. Moisture-wicking, 
lightweight performance fabric. Will not shrink or fade. Available in three colors. They have a contrast color (charcoal gray) and the dancers will be that color as well.

Just $16.50 !!!

We ordered in a sample so we could see it in person. Looks great. All the guys liked it. In other words, a very good deal.

If you're interested, let me know color and size. Payment is not due now, you can pay when you pick up your shirt. Limited time only, in order for the group to qualify for the discounted price.

Friday, May 1, 2015

May Group Classes

The group class schedule for May is here! Come out and join us! Expert instruction and the most fun and welcoming group of students around. Ready to learn something really great and have a fantastic time while you're at it? Come see us in May!