Next up on our calendar is going to be a fun one! Join us Saturday, February 7, 2015 at Georgetown West for our Valentine's version of the monthly Saturday Night Ballroom dance.
Vito will be teaching Tango from 7:30-8:00. From 8:00 on we'll play all your ballroom faves - Waltz, Tango (of course), Swing, Hustle, Salsa, Rumba, Foxtrot and much more... Delicious light buffet and refreshments will be served. Spacious and comfortable floor. Both couples and singles are welcome, as well as dancers of every skill level - newcomer to advanced. Free lot parking. Georgetown West is located on the corner of Prospect Ave. and George St. in Wood Dale. Directions and a map are here.
You'll find this community event in these publications:
What a fun evening, with so many people decked out in blue! It didn't hurt that the temps were in the 40s - we still beat those Winter blues at Ballroom City with a Cha Cha pattern and blues-inspired dancing all night long. It was anything but blue!
If you would like to order photos (prints) from this fun evening, they are available for just 9¢ apiece... yes, that's nine cents. Hard to believe anything still costs less than a dime, isn't it?
Let it snow... Join us at Ballroom City in Villa Park this Saturday Night, January 17, 2015 for our Beat the Winter Blues dance.
We will be warm and cozy inside, and the Cha Cha pattern Vito Magrone will be teaching is guaranteed to make you look *** HOT *** You'll feel anything but blue! Map/Directions here.
Lesson starts at 7:30. Ballroom dancing from 8:00 on.
Waltz, Tango, Cha Cha, Rumba, Salsa, Swing, Hustle, Foxtrot and more...
HOT OFF THE PRESSES! Here comes the January Group Class Schedule! Keep that New Year's resolution to get out more, be healthy and have FUN! Join us for dance class. You know you're always glad you did! Talk about well worth it.
TANGO starts Thursday 1/8/15 at 7:00 pm. and runs for 4 weeks. This is an intermedate class, most are welcome, but we do recommend you know the Tango basic step.
SALSA begins Thursday 1/8/15 at 8:00 pm and also runs for 4 weeks, through the month of January. This lively and fun class is open to everyone, newcomers included. Come join us!
Advanced VIENNESE WALTZ begins Wednesday, January 7th at 8:00 pm. Please contact us if you're interested in joining this class, taught by Vito. We're still one of the best values around at just $10 per class for professional instruction. Take a moment to read Vito's bio. There are a lot of people out there teaching dance. Don't settle for an amateur. Learn from the best! Both couples and singles are welcome in all classes. Registration You can register in person on the first night of class, or online.