Monday, October 27, 2014

Don't Miss the Halloween Dance!

Vito will be teaching Foxtrot. 

We will be serving up pork Carnitas with soft taco fixing on our buffet table.

We'll play all of your ballroom favorites.

We'll dance the night away.

You can either come in costume or vote by your applause for the best one. 

It doesn't get any better than this!

Join us Saturday November 1 at 7:30

See you there!  

Monday, October 20, 2014


We had a GREAT time at the Ballroom City pre-Halloween dance this past Saturday night! Pics are below... 

Our Halloween dance at Georgetown West is coming up soon! It's the Saturday night of Halloween weekend, 11/1/14, the night after Halloween. We'll have a Foxtrot lesson, delicious light buffet with soft Carnitas tacos and (of course) dancing all night. Don't miss this one! Costumes are optional. We'll have a prize for the best one, chosen by audience applause. So, you can either dress up or come and root for the best. Either way, hope you can join us!

This dance is featured in the Sun Times - Things to Do section - 

Halloween events in Chicago’s suburbs

Monday, October 13, 2014

Some Halloween Fun This Saturday Night!

Get into the spirit of the season:

October with Vito at Ballroom City will feature SAMBA! Join us for this lively group lesson, followed by an evening of ballroom dance. Halloween costumes are optional. You can dress up, or just come and vote by applause. There will be a prize given for the best one. It's going to be a great time!

Click here for directions to Ballroom City:

The Samba group lesson starts at 7:30pm.
The dance is from 8:00-11:00pm.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Saturday Night Ballroom Pics and Halloween Festivities

What a fabulous kickoff to October! And the fun continues...

Our next Saturday Night Ballroom dance at Georgetown West is Saturday, November 1 - Halloween weekend! We'll have a fun and spooky theme and you can wear a costume if you'd like - or just come to dance and vote with your applause for the best one. The group lesson that evening will be Foxtrot. 

Whether you have dance fever or Halloween fever or just need to get out and have some fun, you're in luck! Vito will also be hosting a Halloween themed dance at Ballroom City in Villa Park on Saturday, October 18th. He will be teaching Samba prior to the dance. Hope you can join us!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Saturday Night Ballroom in the Trib!

Our Saturday Night Ballroom events just got featured in the Community section of the Tribune:

Saturday Night Ballroom takes place on the first Saturday of each month*. Our next date is this upcoming Saturday, October 4th - don't miss it!

*Dates and times are subject to change, so please always check our website for schedule.