Monday, March 23, 2020

Help Ballroom and Latin Dance Survive COVID-19

The teachers and studios need your help.

Many small businesses are suffering during the COVID-19 crisis. Perhaps none are impacted more than the ballroom and Latin dance studios we love. Because their craft relies on human contact, they were the first to close, and will likely be among the last to reopen. 


These studios are frequently humble operations, run by real people, not corporations. Simply put, they can't withstand this crisis without our help. The instructors who work there are artists. Many have families. All have bills to pay, and little or no income, while their place of work is shuttered closed. This was their livelihood until the Coronavirus changed everything.


The patrons are members of our communities who have a love of dance. It may seem frivolous to some, in times like these, to worry about something non-essential. That is, until you consider the unfortunate loss to our community if even one studio closed. A world without creative passion is an empty one indeed.


Please consider donating just the cost of one private lesson or group class you'd be taking this month. If that is too much, any amount will do. The money will be given to those studios so sorely in need, with the stipulation that they must help not only the studio itself, but also their struggling staff.

Thank you for considering giving what you can to this worthy cause. While this continues, please be well.



Friday, January 31, 2020

DANCE CANCELLED - Sunday Tea Dance

The Sunday Tea Dance at Ballroom City will be postponed until a later date. Stay tuned. We'll post new details when we have them. Until then, be well!

Tea - Champagne & Mimosas - Delicious Snacks and Goodies

Sunday Tea Dance at Ballroom City

Sunday, March 15, 2020

California-based instructor, Sandia will be visiting us for this special dance party! Come and enjoy a fun and relaxing Sunday afternoon of dance, great music, friends, tea, champagne & mimosas, delicious snacks and goodies.

CHA CHA LESSON 1:30-2:00

Admission $10, All inclusive.

207 S. Villa Ave., Suite 250, Villa Park
For more information, call Mary: 630-834-7994

Roaring 20s Themed Dance Party - Peabody - Charleston - Foxtrot and More

Roaring 20s Social Dance

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Join hosts Don MacDonald and Vito Magrone for a fantastically fun-filled, 1920s-themed dance party. Attire of the era is encouraged, but not required.

Peabody group class begins at 7:30 pm.
Surprise novelty dance taught later in the evening!
Social dancing starts at 8:00. Complimentary snacks will be served. Admission $15, all-inclusive.

207 S. Villa Ave., Suite 250, Villa Park
For more information, contact Don at 630-674-6052 or Vito at 630-542-7644

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Vito Magrone at Ballroom City - Social Dance Party and Bolero Lesson

Join host Vito Magrone at Ballroom City on Saturday, February 15, 2020 for a special, Valentine-themed social dance party.


Bolero group lesson at 7:30 pm
Ballroom and Latin dancing begins at 8:00

The charismatic and talented Vito Magrone will be appearing at Ballroom City on Saturday, February 15, 2020. Whether you're an experienced ballroom dancer or a newcomer and whether you have a dance partner or not, all are welcome to come and Join professional dance instructor Vito for a social ballroom dance open to the community. A group lesson prior to the dance is included in the cost of admission. A different dance is presented every month. In February, Vito will be teaching the beautiful BOLERO at 7:30 pm. The social ballroom dancing begins at 8:00 pm. Popular ballroom and Latin dance music will be played; Waltz, Tango, Cha Cha, Swing, Hustle, Salsa, Rumba, Samba, Foxtrot, Bolero, Bachata, a few line dances and more... Free lot parking in a private lot across the street. Light refreshments are served. Dress is festive but certainly not formal. The atmosphere is lighthearted - come and join the fun! 

Call 630-542-7644 (Vito Magrone) or 630-834-7994 (Ballroom City)
Ballroom City
207 S. Villa Ave.
Suite 250 
Villa Park, Illinois 60181